Introducing the
5 Languages of Appreciation
in the Workplace

Appreciation in the Workplace: The Reality
Did you know that …
79% of employees who leave a job voluntarily cite a lack of appreciation as a key reason for their quitting?
65% of employee report having received NO recognition in the past 12 months for doing a good job?
In a global study of 200,000 employees, feeling appreciated is the #1 reason they enjoy their job.
What You Can Do?
You can make a difference in your workplace by learning how to express appreciation effectively!
Not everyone feels appreciated in the same ways. There are five languages of appreciation and everyone has an innate preference:

Workshop Series
Module 1: The Importance of Appreciation
This module answers the question, “Why does appreciation matter?” We’ll discuss the benefits of appreciation and the negative effects that occur when people don’t feel valued.
Module 2: Recognition & Appreciation
Distinguishing between employee recognition and authentic appreciation is the primary focus.
Module 3: The 5 Languages
Learn how The 5 Languages are expressed and experienced in daily life at work.
Module 4: Applying the MBA Inventory Results
Explore the results provided by The MBA Inventory and how to apply them with your colleagues.
Module 5: Challenges & Application
Learn to overcome the barriers that might keep you from continuing to practice The 5 Languages.
Are you ready to Discover and Apply the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace?
What Outcomes Can You Expect from the Workshop?

Employee Benefits
Improved Relationships.
Increased Job Satisfaction.
Greater employee engagement
Lower turnover for staff and volunteers
Improved customer satisfaction
Improved employee productivity
Business/Organizational Benefits
The return on investment by organizations that focus attention on effectively communicating appreciation and encouragement is significant. Overall, the work environment improves, and everyone is happier. More specifically:
Reduced employee turnover
Reduced absenteeism
Reduced conflict and stress
Improved employee productivity

Take the MBA Inventory and Discover Your Language of Appreciation!
Communicate appreciation in a way that is meaningful and the specific actions that uniquely encourage you and your colleagues.

Motivation By Appreciation
Appreciation is one of the most powerful motivators, and expressing it in a meaningful way can make a difference.
The MBA Inventory helps you connect with your colleagues deeper by recognizing what will be most meaningful for them.
Everyone's responses are unique, so the tool allows you to customize appreciation for each individual within the team.
This thoughtful approach ensures that everyone feels seen and valued, creating an atmosphere that drives motivation across your organization.
Helps organizations create a healthy workplace culture.