Invest in Your Leaders and Empower Your Team to Learn-Experience-Apply-Develop with my
L.E.A.D. For Life Training!
Interactive, High-Energy
"Whole-Person" Professional and Life Skills
Development Workshops
Great for Business, Government, Teams, Private Groups, Ministries, and Non-Profit Organizations

“Mr. Thomas was an exceptional speaker. He involved the group and his presentation was informative and engaging.”
“Bruce did a wonderful job integrating the videos with the topic. Great examples! I got a lot of good nuggets to take back with me.”
“Great content, great delivery! My favorite seminar. Very though-provoking!”
“Excellent. HIGH ENERGY! Best engagement. Topic was great. Facilitator was top notch!”
“Bruce Thomas was such a great speaker…I enjoyed the class because of his enthusiasm. Great job Bruce! I’d like to sign up for most any course he’s teaching.”
“Awesome! New ideas! Energy…all in the first five minutes!”
“G.A.M.E.P.L.A.N. is inspiring.”
Comments from Bruce A. Thomas Coaching Workshops
40+ Whole-Person Professional
and Life Skills Training Courses
L.E.A.D. For Life workshops takes a wholistic approach to professional and life skills development. Workshops are highly interactive, thought-provoking, and fun-filled to maximize individual and team strengths; foster growth; and enhance mindsets and behaviors that drive positive outcomes!
Learning solutions are customized to more effectively manage your unique
professional, personal, team, and/or business challenges.
Half-day, Full-day, Retreats, and Lunch & Learn Workshops are available to meet your needs.
Click this image to view the list and descriptions of L.E.A.D. For Life courses
* Each course includes a Participant Training Manual; Powerpoint Slides; Activities and Exercises.

What Outcomes Can You Expect From Bruce's L.E.A.D. For Life Workshop?

Individual Benefits
Learning that deepens self-awareness of strengths, areas of opportunity, thinking and behavioral patterns
Experience greater clarity, purpose, and passion
Apply a renewed mindset and behaviors with a fresh outlook that drives position outcomes
Develop your whole-self in all aspects of life with enhanced communication and increased confidence
Business/Organizational Benefits
Learned and enhanced leadership skills and engagement levels
Experience new levels of communication, teamwork and productivity
Applied learning with tangible results
Develop, attract, and retain diverse leadership talent to meet current and future requirements

Contact Bruce A. Thomas Coaching to see how I can inspire you or your group to maximize your fullest potential.
"G.A.M.E.P.L.A.N. For Life"
Speaking Engagements also available!